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Two woman were hit by a Metrobus in February and killed. The pedestrian accident happened at the intersection of 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue. The driver of the bus has plead guility to two counts of negligent vehicular homicide.

The accident was captured on videotape by a security camera positioned near the roof of the National Archives. Obtained by 9NEWS NOW and broadcast on July 20th, the tape recording clearly showed the bus make a sweeping left hand turn in front of on-coming traffic and into the intersection where the two women were crossing the street with the green light.

The bus driver could face up to 10 years in prison but he will likely be sentenced to three years. He will be sentenced in December. The widower of one of the victims has filed a civil suit against Metrobus.

For more information on this subject matter, please refer to the section on Airline, Cruise, Bus, and Other Mass Transit Accidents.

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